Services to Solve Any Issue
Brownfields/Land Recycling
PA Act 2, NYSDEC BCP, & FDEP Rule 62-780 Expertise
Regulatory Evaluation
Site Investigation
Remedial Strategy Development
Buyer-Seller Agreement Technical Assistance
Design and Implementation of Engineering and Institutional Controls
Acquiring Release of Environmental Liability
Environmental Covenant Assistance
Remediation and Monitoring
Soil and Groundwater
Remedial Option Assessments – Tailored to be Site Specific
In-Situ Bio-Remediation of Petroleum and Chlorinated Compounds
Water Quality Management
Contaminant Fate & Transport Analysis
Remedial Design Strategies (Active/Passive & In-situ/Ex-situ)
Remediation Design and Oversight of Remedial Construction
Remediation System Operation and Maintenance
Due Diligence
Phase I and II ASTM Environmental Site Assessments
Transaction Screens
PHFA and SBA loan assessment reports
Radon and lead based paint assessments
Site Characterizations, Closure, and Release of Liability Procurement
Regulatory Compliance
Negotiation and Consultation with State Agencies
RCRA Corrective Action Consulting
Voluntary Cleanup/Land Recycling Programs
Groundwater Monitoring & Modeling
NPDES Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting
Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act
Management of Clean Fill and Hazardous Waste
Permit Applications
Vapor Intrusion
Investigation and Encroachment Studies
Vapor Risk Screening
Mitigation & Liability Elimination
Spcc Planning
Tier I Plans
Professional Engineer Certified Plans for Non-Tier 1 Facilities
Spill Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency (PPC) Plans
Spill Prevention and Response (SPR) Plans
Facility Response Plans (FRP) for Airports, Terminals, and Other Large Facilities
Annual Training for Facility Personnel
Stormwater Compliance
Facility Inspections
Permitting Assistance
Sinkhole Assessments and Remediation
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
Design and Implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Semi-Annual Sampling
Preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
Retention and Discharge Basin Cleanouts