Two blighted Long Island landfills were abandoned and not generating revenue to the local municipalities or economies. The municipalities reached out to our client to assist in redeveloping these properties. Reliance was able to support our client and the local elected officials to re-integrate these landfills into the economy.
Involved in decision making process from the start.
Utilized both internal (geologists) and external (geophysicists and ecologists) networks to investigate and characterize landfill contents, soil, groundwater, and soil vapor.
Provided initial assessments to separate fact from fiction.
Performed regulatory negotiations with client’s legal team to secure State sanctioned closure and clearance.
Assisted in devising workable construction plans for both sites.
Provided oversight during site construction to assure protection of workers as well as maintaining public protections.
Coordinated with several internal and external stakeholders to successfully redevelop each brownfield.
Both sites were returned to commercial use, and are now viewed as assets to their community, providing jobs and tax dollars.
Historical Municipal Landfill, Long Island, NY | Before
Historical Municipal Landfill, Long Island, NY | After