Reliance represented a buyer during a property transaction where a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was performed by the seller. During Reliance’s Phase I ESA efforts, two underground storage tanks were discovered that were not previously identified by the sellers consultants.


  • Reliance identified significant liability issues from historical operations that were previously unknown.

  • Client oriented approach – discussed the potential environmental risks at the property, proposed future use of property, and potential options to address the potential environmental risks.

  • Performed Phase II ESA, which identified actual environmental risks

  • Advanced project through PADEP’s Act 2 Program to secure Closure and obtain a Relief of Liability from the PADEP.

  • Liability/costs remained with the seller, while still allowing the transaction to proceed.


  • Liabilities attached to the discovered tanks remained with seller.

  • Successfully obtained liability relief for seller prior to property transfer.

Unidentified UST, Harrisburg, PA | Before

Unidentified UST, Harrisburg, PA | Before

Identified UST, Harrisburg, PA | After

Identified UST, Harrisburg, PA | After